Group of companies

Group of companies "Recon-SMK"

The group of companies «Recon» has kept its history since 1997.

During this time more than 100 ZHBI factories (among our permanent customers - GK PIK, GK Rosiltal, LLC "Nizhny Novgorod House and K) in the regions of Russia and near abroad, equipped with technological lines for the production of prefabricated monolithic frames were built under the turnkey or re-equipped.

More than 500 civil and industrial facilities have been built in more than 100 cities in Russia and the CIS countries, more than 150 large projects in the field of housing construction, as well as infrastructure facilities, socially significant and industrial facilities have been implemented. According to QMS technology, the head of the group of companies "Recon" VA Shembakov received 66 patents of the Russian Federation and 10 patents of the Eurasian Economic Community.

Group of companies "Recon"<

Main activities

  • Design of buildings, structures based on QMS technologies and panel construction
  • Technological support of buildings, structures
  • Design of residential, administrative, industrial buildings and structures for various purposes, in full
  • Sections: GP, AR, AS, TX, ES, and SS, NVK and VK, TS and OV, PO, OSS, SMETA.
  • Design of the frame of the building and structures, according to the drawings and sketches of the customer, using QMS technology, with the issuance of subsequent documentation
  • Installation, erection supervision of buildings and structures using QMS technology

  • Acting as a general contractor

  • Development of new (related) types of construction activities

  • Processing and improving in practice new
    building technologies

  • Training of the customer's personnel in the installation of buildings, structures


Currently, the group of companies "Recon-SMK" offers a system
production of prestressed and non-stressed reinforced concrete
products on the universal stand in the most economical way.
In addition, we implement any other bench technologies,
including cassette conveyor lines and pallet lines.

The group of companies "Recon-SMK" includes:

  • CJSC "Recon"

  • LLC "Recon-Development"

  • LLC "Recon SMK"

Main activities of the company

The production capacity, mastered with the use of the QMS technology, is more than 10 million square meters. the total area of buildings per year, more than 80 thousand jobs were created.

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